
Our website updated article mainly depend on the quality and original, this has been a debate. Because everybody said the original article included must be good, but the actual operation, many enterprises of news actually is also spent a lot of work to the original, but a lot of bad results. Instead some frequently copy and paste the website is good, it can beats us, so for web site, what is important or original literary quality important?
We must first understand what is original
About the original on this issue. Some people will be original articles, some people don't. Because the original need to waste a lot of time and energy. Sometimes no inspiration when the brain is a blank.
Secondly we understand "quality"
An experienced SEO optimization usually almost all know to do valuable original content. They will share some of their own learning experience, or learn some knowledge sharing for everyone. They know every write an original content of this article is to express the meaning of what is, to the user can provide any help, or what inspired, or to tell what the user. For example, I can set the title of the site, but read a article about website title set after I, can say this article is valuable content.